Get A Strong Lower Back With These 3 Calisthenics Exercises!


Get A Strong Lower Back With These 3 Calisthenics Exercises!

If you work at a desk all day, spend a lot of time driving or don't focus on it specifically, your lower back will be grateful for today's video.

I will be covering and explaining 3 movements that are great a making the lower back area stronger and less prone to chronic pain.

There is a movement for each level: beginner, intermediate and advanced.

Overall, focus on prioritizing your back muscles when you workout!

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How To Get Instantly Better At Push Ups


How To Get Instantly Better At Push Ups!

Push ups are one of the most popular calisthenics movement, yet many people can't really do them properly.

So in this video I'm going to show you 4 push up variations that are going to make you better at it. 

These movements are great for beginners, but it's also a good way to refine your technique or add training volume to your current workout, if you have already been training.

By breaking down the push up in different segments and focusing on details, you will build strength through your entire muscle chain, much needed to perform proper push ups. 

Next time you work on your push ups, pick at least two different exercises from the list and perform a pyramid workout from 1 to 10 repetitions for each movement.

Try all 4 of them in a row for a real boost!

And don't forget about pull ups!

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Replace Bad Foods With Good Natural Foods!


Replace Bad Foods With Good Natural Foods!

A good workout must come with healthy nutrition!

The good news is that it's fairly simple. 

In this video I am going to show you how to replace common bad foods with healthier alternatives.

Download my full day of healthy eating!

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Calisthenics Body Challenge


Calisthenics Body Challenge!

The Online Calisthenics course is a great tool to achieve amazing results, using only your bodyweight, so I highly recommend you sign up before the price goes up in a few weeks!

That being said, I also want to share some tips you can start to use right now, to make good progress in the meantime. 

Here are some exercise variations that will make you progress quick. Those movements are not easy so it's best to try them if you have already started training.

I go in depth about the technique of each movement, but keep in mind that your training volume is a major key factor of growth and success.

So aim at doing at least 300 repetitions during a one hour session (not including the warm up phase).

You can pick 3 exercises and do 100 repetition each for example. Make sure you practice all the exercises during the week.

You can use ladder and pyramid training to build your sets.

Here are the most efficient calisthenics training patterns!

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Full Calisthenics Ab Workout With Resistance Bands


Full Calisthenics Ab Workout With Resistance Bands.

Resistance bands are a great workout tool.

They are light and don't take any space, so you can take them with you to the park or use it at home.

In this video, I am going to show you 3 great ab exercises that you can use to build a bullet proof core.

The first one is going to focus on your mid section or thoracic spine area. This is a very important area to strengthen to have a functional core and build skills like the handstand for example.

The second exercise will focus on your obliques and your ability to twist your abs. 

Finally, we will go over ways to lift your legs to target your lower abs!

Here are 3 other calisthenics exercises for core compression and extension to build abs of steel!

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Calisthenics Workout To Train Your Back And Abs At The Same Time!


Calisthenics Workout To Train Your Back And Abs At The Same Time!

The beauty of calisthenics is that we can train multiple muscle groups at the same time.

In today's video I'm going to show you 3 intermediate exercises that are great to build a solid back along with strong abs.

These exercises will also help you improve your static skills.

Wether it's a front or back lever, human or dragon flag, and many other moves, they will all benefit from practicing these 3 exercises.

Here are also 3 calisthenics exercises to get better at front lever!

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3 Fitness Industry Lies Exposed!


3 Fitness Industry Lies Exposed!

The fitness industry is like any other big industry.

That means there are lots of BS everywhere on the internet, and sometimes coming from actually legit "fitness pro's"!

So in today's video I talk about 3 major lies that the fitness industry keeps entertaining, and you may already have seen some of it on social media.

Not only these lies need to be exposed for the scam they are, but also because it is detrimental to people's progress and well-being.

This is specially true for beginners that don't always know where to find valuable information.

Seeing a "big name" saying or posting something doesn't make it automatically true or effective.

Watch the full video for all the details!

Also check out 4 things that are killing your calisthenics fitness gains here!

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One Full Day Of Healthy Eating


One Full Day Of Healthy Eating

Most people are committed to working out hard when they decide to make a real change in their lives, but they often forget the commitment to learning what healthy eating really is and how it works.

So here is a full day of healthy eating: breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner.

I go in details about each meal of the day, and show you that it's not complicated to eat naturally healthy.

You won't find any supplements or chemical products in the list.

Everything is available at the grocery store!

Don't forget that there is no such thing as "too fat" for fitness!

Let's eat!

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The 3 Most Important Types Of Calisthenics Push Ups!


The 3 Most Important Types Of Calisthenics Push Ups!

The internet is full of different kinds of fancy exercises, but the reality is some of them are more important than others.

So I am going to show you the 3 most important types of push ups you can use consistently in your calisthenics workouts. 

They don't look fancy on Instagram, but are all harder to perform than they look. They will get you amazing results, once you start using them regularly.

Remember to use the best form you can, on every single repetition, to maximize your gains!

Here is how to get better at push ups with 6 other calisthenics exercise variations.

Let's go!

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Do This To Build More Muscles And Strength With Calisthenics


Do This To Build More Muscles And Strength With Calisthenics!

Most people under estimate how important small details are when it comes to training and calisthenics in particular.

Small adjustments usually make the biggest impact on our workout results. 

So in today's video I will give you two great tips that will help you trigger smaller key areas in your muscle chains.

These adjustments will put (good) stress on muscle parts that are not always, if ever, activated.

Start using these techniques in your routine and be consistent with it. 

Here is how to make your own beginner calisthenics workout to get started!

Your results will skyrocket!

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